Monday, 03 August 2020 14:41

Retiro de AYUDH en Valencia

Del viernes 31 de Julio al domingo 2 de Agosto tuvo lugar en la Abadía de San José de la ciudad de Valencia un retiro del movimiento AYUDH España.
AYUDH es el  movimiento juvenil internacional de Embracing the World, que se dedica capacitar y a reforzar el papel de los jóvenes para que contribuyan a un mundo pacífico y sostenible. Uno de los objetivos de AYUDH es conseguir que los jóvenes  lleguen a ser líderes compasivos, con sentido de tolerancia, solidaridad y responsabilidad para la construcción de un mundo en paz y mucho más sostenible. 
Published in NACIONAL
Wednesday, 26 December 2018 19:40


What is AYUDH?

ayudh landing hero 1800


1. Sanskrit word meaning peace.

2. Embracing The World youth movement, aiming at reinforcing young people’s role to become compassionate leaders building a peaceful and much more sustainable world.

AYUDH is an international youth movement, aiming at empowering young people to contribute to a peaceful and sustainable world and to become compassionate leaders with tolerance, solidarity and global responsability.

We are driven by a desire to do something different being a catalyst for positive change. AYUDH is a Sanskrit word meaning peace, symbolised by a dove in our logo. AYUDH also means “Amma Youth for Unity, Diversity and Humanity.”

It is inspired by Amma’s - a world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader - life and work. Embracing The World is a global charity organisation network operating in more than 40 countries around the world. It is led by Amma. AYUDH is its youth wing.

AYUDH encourages youth to improve society through self-transformation and service to others. Its activities are organised by and for young people around the world. They are base on four principles:

  1. Social Work: Help individual and global transformation through community outreach.
  1. Personal Development: Empower youth to express their creative and innovative potential, obtain leadership and life skills.
  1. Sustainable Activities: Support a sustainable and ecological lifestyle to preserve and protect the Earth for future generations.
  1. Intercultural Exchange: Connect young people from different cultures, religions and social backgrounds aiming at establishing the framework for a global network of youth willing to build up a better world.

AYUDH was founded in 2001 and has branches in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Australia. It welcomes people from 15 to 30 from all religions, genders and social and cultural backgrounds.

Our Inspiration

Amma Throughout her own life, Amma has developed equality, non-violence and religoius tolerance principles. Her strong determination over the past 30 years has started a large charity organization network knwon as Embracing The World

Nowadays, Amma is one of the most respected humanitarian and spiritual leaders. She has devoted herself to relieve the pain of those who suffer both physically and emotionally as well as the ones who struggle with poverty. Embracing the World (Embracing the World).
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Our Work

Published in CONTENIDO

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