A young woman is now able and independent with new arms

Shreya Siddanagowder is established in a new life after she underwent Asia’s first upper arm double hand transplant at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) in Kerala. The difficult surgery took place in 2017 after Shreya lost both her hands in a tragic road accident. In this video, Shreya and her parents share how the process has not only healed her body, but also given a deeper perspective on what it means to be alive.

 Dr. Subramania Iyer is the Head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at AIMS. He says it was a difficult decision for his team to undertake the procedure due to the complexity of Shreya’s injury. This was new surgical terrain, as it would be the ninth such procedure in the world overall. However, the AIMS team decided to move ahead and can now see the result has brought success on levels beyond the physical--not only for Shreya but for all people who were part of the process.

Photo: Shreya Siddanagowder underwent Asia’s first upper arm double hand transplant at Amrita Hospital in Kerala.

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