Amrita University inaugurates School for Sustainable Development

Amma’s 66th Birthday Celebrations unfolded in Amritapuri with tens of thousands of devotees and well-wishers from across India and around the world taking part. In the morning, they gathered to hear Amma’s address and participate in meditation and prayers for world peace.

“Nature is everything to us,” Amma said as she emphasized the importance of respecting and protecting the environment. “We are the children of our revered Mother Nature. She only ever had love and compassion for us. We, on the other hand, have just stomped all over her and kicked her in the chest. Now that loving mother has fallen ill and is exhausted.”

Amma also stressed the importance of prioritising spiritual values in life. She said, “If we stop giving moral values the place they deserve, our life will rot away like a log infested with termites. We will lack the courage to face problems in life.

El 66 cumpleaños de Amma honra a las víctimas de la tragedia y planta semillas de esperanza para el futuro

Las celebraciones del 66 cumpleaños de Amma se desarrollaron en Amritapuri con la participación de decenas de miles de devotos y simpatizantes de la India y de todo el mundo. Por la mañana, se reunieron para escuchar el discurso de Amma y participar en la meditación y oraciones por la paz mundial.

"La naturaleza lo es todo para nosotros", dijo Amma al enfatizar la importancia de respetar y proteger el medio ambiente. “Somos los hijos de nuestra venerada Madre Naturaleza. Ella solo tuvo amor y compasión por nosotros. Nosotros, por otro lado, la hemos pisoteado y pateado en el pecho. Ahora esa madre amorosa ha enfermado y está exhausta.

Amma también hizo hincapié en la importancia de priorizar los valores espirituales en la vida. Ella dijo: “Si dejamos de darle a los valores morales el lugar que se merecen, nuestra vida se pudrirá como un tronco infestado de termitas. Nos faltará el coraje enfrentarnos a los problemas de la vida.

AYUDH Europa presenta la seva Declaració

per Andreas Christensen d'AYUDH Europa

Tres membres d’AYUDH Europa van viatjar a Nova Delhi per assistir al Primer Congrés Mundial sobre Amabilitat organitzat per UNESCO MGIEP. L'objectiu del congrés era la valoració d'importants competències com l'empatia, la compassió, l'atenció plena o la investigació crítica per permetre als joves transformar i construir una pau duradora en les seves comunitats. MGIEP és l'Institut d'Educació Mahatma Gandhi de la UNESCO per la Pau i el Desenvolupament Sostenible.

AYUDH Europe presents its Statement on Cultural Diversity to UNESCO’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute

by Andreas Christensen with AYUDH Europe

Three members of AYUDH Europe travelled to New Delhi for UNESCO MGIEP’s first World Youth Conference on Kindness . The goal of the gathering was to impart critical competencies such as empathy, compassion, mindfulness and critical inquiry to enable young people to transform themselves and build long-lasting peace in their communities. MGIEP is UNESCO’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development.

AYUDH Europa presenta su Declaración sobre la Diversidad Cultural en el Instituto Mahatma Gandhi de la UNESCO

por Andreas Christensen de AYUDH Europa

Tres miembros de AYUDH Europa viajaron a Nueva Delhi para asistir al  Primer Congreso Mundial sobre Amabilidad organizado por UNESCO MGIEP. El objetivo del congreso era la valoración de importantes competencias como la empatía, la compasión, la atención plena o la investigación crítica para permitir a los jóvenes transformarse y construir una paz duradera en sus comunidades. MGIEP es el Instituto de Educación Mahatma Gandhi de la UNESCO para la Paz y el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Terra d'amor i vida: horta ecològica d’ Amritapuri

En aquests moments estan desenvolupant grans hortes ecològiques i santuaris de la natura en el que solia ser terra àrida, en Amritapuri. Com els camps de cultiu es van formar sobre un pantà que va ser recobert amb sorra i argila vermella, els veïns van considerar que era poc probable que hi pogués créixer alguna cosa. Però la perseverança d'algunes persones dedicades a reviure la terra ha permès la creació d'aquests bells hàbitats.

Land of Love and Life—Amritapuri Organic Garden

Vast organic gardens and nature sanctuaries are now flourishing upon what used to be barren land in Amritapuri. Because the fields were built over swamp filled with sand and red clay, neighbours warned it was unlikely anything could grow. But the perseverance of a few people dedicated to reviving the land has now resulted in these beautiful habitats.

Tierra de amor y vida: huerta ecológica de Amritapuri

Amritapuri, India

En estos momentos están desarrollándose grandes huertas ecológicas y santuarios de la naturaleza en lo que solía ser tierra árida, en Amritapuri. Como los campos de cultivo se formaron sobre un pantano que fue recubierto con arena y arcilla roja, los vecinos consideraron que era poco probable que allí pudiera crecer algo. Pero la perseverancia de unas pocas personas dedicadas a revivir la tierra ha permitido la creación de estos hermosos hábitats.

Ajuda econòmica a famílies que han perdut un ésser estimat en les inundacions d'aquest any a Kerala

Kollam, Kerala

El Mata Amritanandamayi Math atorgarà 100.000 rupies a les famílies que han perdut alguns dels seus membres en les inundacions del monsó que ha afectat de nou aquest any a Kerala.

"El meu cor està amb les famílies que han perdut els seus éssers estimats", va dir Amma. "Reso perquè puguin recuperar la confiança en si mateixos i aconseguir la pau i la prosperitat. Tots necessitem arribar als necessitats amb esperit de compassió i servei. Només l'amor i la compassió que flueix del cor pot ajudar a la societat en aquests moments.”

Relief money to families who have lost a loved one in this year’s Kerala floods

Kollam, Kerala

The Mata Amritanandamayi Math will give ₹100,000 to families who have lost a member in monsoon floods hitting the state again this year.

“My heart goes out to those families who have lost their loved ones,” said Amma. “I am praying that they are able to get back their self-confidence and attain peace and prosperity. We all need to reach out to those in need with compassion and service. It is only the love and compassion that flows from the heart that can help society in such times.”

Amma also said that she feels the recent flooding is due to indiscriminate chopping down of trees and other such abuses of nature.

The Math once again opened the Amrita Helpline that was created by Amrita University students during Kerala’s 2018 floods. At the Amritapuri Campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, volunteers with AYUDH (our youth wing) responded to phone calls and social media messages. Through the helpline, flood victims could access various forms of assistance.

In 2018, Amrita Helpline volunteers fielded more than 25,000 calls and connected more than 100,000 flood victims with appropriate relief services. This included government officials, the Navy, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), the Kerala State Police, local fishermen and other volunteer agencies.

The Math also encouraged people to reach out for help via its Amrita Kripa App, which is available for free download on Google Play. The app was developed during the 2018 floods to connect disaster victims with rescue teams and relief providers. People in need also gain access to clothing, food, medicines, and information to restore essential services like water, electricity and telephone.

In addition, the Math opened relief camps, especially in the districts of Wayanad and Idukki. During last year’s monsoon flooding, Math relief camps contributed a total of ₹100,000,000 for immediate rescue and relief, as well as long-term recovery.

As the waters in Kerala receded this year, more than 100 people died due to the flooding. In last year’s Kerala floods, the death toll reached nearly 500.
Photo 1: Taking calls at Amrita Helpline, an emergency call center run by AYUDH at Amrita University.Photo 1: Taking calls at Amrita Helpline, an emergency call center run by AYUDH at Amrita University.

Photo 2: Tracking info for Amrita Helpline.

Photo 3: Led by Brahmacharini Atulyamrita Chaitanya, volunteers set up a relief camp in Edappal and Malappuram.

Photo 4: Brahmachari Akshayamrita Chaitanya and volunteers in Wayanad running a camp that provides food and other basic amenities.

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