Honoring the life cycle—Saukhyam Reusable Pads

Saukhyam means happiness and well-being in Sanskrit. We chose that name for our reusable pad project because we believe menstruation has been undervalued and ignored for too long. Women give birth to every human being and menstruation makes that cycle possible. When you switch to reusable pads, you are respecting the environment, celebrating the life cycle and honoring your place in it.

Initially, as part of Amrita SeRVe (Self Reliant Village Project), we set out to design a reusable pad that women in rural India would use to protect their health and hygiene. We ended up creating a pad that’s better for women everywhere. Saukhyam is finding global acceptance and educated, well-informed women are making the switch.

In December 2016, Saukhyam Reusable Pads won the Most Innovative Product Award at the National Institute of Rural Development in Hyderabad, India.

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