Forty Years of Amrita Yoga: Report 2022

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Amma sustains her utmost teaching that selfless service with compassion is the foundation of her humanitarian projects around the world. To support the people who take part in these diverse projects, she also upholds the ancient tradition of yoga as the formula to maintain a healthy life both physically and mentally.

With an aim to equip oneself with essential knowledge, tackle life situations, build a solid personality, and develop a discriminative mind, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) initiated yoga activities for people living in the Ashram in 1980. Since those early days, it has been a part of daily life in Amritapuri. 

From the eighties, monastic residents and trained volunteers also began teaching yoga to share the benefits with members of the general public. Over the years, individuals from all walks of life have taken up the practice to lead a peaceful, harmonious, and complete life.  

As of today, more than 7,300,000 people around the world have participated in Amrita Yoga and Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM). Official trainers have reached people belonging to all age groups in schools, universities, industrial organizations, corporations, prisons, and India’s Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF).

Of course, the practices are taught in our own institutions, including more than 150 MAM centers across India, the 65 Amrita Vidyalayam elementary and secondary schools, the university - Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita Hospitals, and the self-reliant village project - Amrita SeRVe. Teachers also travel to our centers worldwide to certify trainers who lead regular classes, and our youth empowerment wing, AYUDH (India, Europe, Americas), does the same across India and globally.

In addition, instructors have led International Day of Yoga (IDY) celebrations worldwide since its inception on June 21, 2015. Amrita Yoga has been an official co-organizer of IDY events, along with the Indian Embassies in Denmark, Chicago and Norway.

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