Amma to Donate $1,400,000 to Kerala Flood Relief

With massive rains continuing to bombard Kerala, Amma has announced that Embracing the World will donate $1,400,000 USD to the Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund.

“Each day we see the rain just keeps coming,” Amma said of her home state. “Each time it starts up again, we know it is causing more and more destruction. My heart goes out to those families who are losing their homes and dear ones. We want to help them in whatever way we can.”


The flooding has caused dozens of landslides and the death count is rising each day. Ninety-one people were killed yesterday and as of this morning, the total was 167. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to arrive in Kerala this evening and undertake an aerial survey of the flood affected areas tomorrow.

There are also 150,000 people who have been displaced from their homes, as well as untold crop and property destruction. The worst-hit districts are Idukki and Wayanad, which are areas with forests and mountains. But coastal communities have also been flooded, including Kochi which is the state’s largest city. The International Airport there has been forced to close.

“Nature is so out of balance these days,” Amma said. “We see very clearly how the climate is changing. In the non-rainy season, it often rains very heavily. The summers are getting longer and longer. In some places where it has never snowed before, suddenly snow is falling.

“Crops are failing. Trees do not bear fruit. We need to proceed carefully with the awareness that each of us has a responsibility to protect Mother Nature. From planting trees and recycling to carpooling to not using wasteful plastic—each of us must do our part. These days it seems everyone is aware of their rights, but no one is aware of their responsibilities.”

Meanwhile, AYUDH Amritapuri has increased its efforts to come to the aid of people in need. They have opened a 24-hour helpline that connects the callers with the respective government and military rescue teams working in their areas. The helpline was launched in coordination with the Government of India and is mentored by Prasanth Nair with the Indian Administrative Service (IAS).

The call center is located at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus. More than 100 students and 30 faculty are working in three shifts, seven days a week. When they receive a call, it is verified and then the respective government and military rescue teams are notified. As of this afternoon, more than 3,000 people have been helped.

In addition, a team arrived in Wayanad District to deliver supplies from AYUDH Amritapuri’s relief collection drive.

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