Finding a new home in apartment blocks instead of city slums

A home construction project has meant a new lease on life for former slum dwellers in the city of Pune, Maharashtra. The neighborhood of Ajanta Nagar was a sprawling mass of brick walls and tin roofs that crossed over eight acres.

Amrita Kuteeram, our housing project, partnered with the Maharashtra state government and built 11 new blocks of five-floor apartment buildings there. Seven hundred families moved into homes with solid infrastructure and community support.

Our volunteers continue to serve the residents of Ajanta Nagar. We work to reduce drop-out rates by providing school supplies, free tutoring and other extracurricular activities for the children of the former slum, as well those still living in slum settlements. The children say their sessions with our volunteers have rekindled their interest in learning and given them the confidence to plan for their futures.

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