Amrita Darshanam – International Centre for Spiritual Studies

Master in Philosophy M.A. 2018

Open request

Master in Philosophy (M. A.) is offered by Amrita Darshanam – International Centre for Spiritual Studies at Amritapuri campus.

This is a two year program which includes four semesters. This program intends to provide an in-depth study in Philosophy there by enhancing the reasoning and analysing capacity of an individual. Importance is given to both Western and Indian schools of Philosophy. Ashtanga Yoga has always been an Integral part of Indian Philosophy and in the current scenario practical aspect of Yoga and meditation along with special training on Patanjali’s Yogasutras has been given much importance.

Since the Sanskrit language forms the backbone of Indian Philosophy, special training in Sanskrit language, focussing on Philosophical terminology, is also given to the students. The program also focusses on the areas like Tantra, Ethics, Aesthetics, Epistemology, Indian Metaphysics etc. The main focus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is on ‘Research for a Better World’ and this program focusses in building a perfect platform for interdisciplinary research.

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