Contact us or visit us
Address: Masía Can Creixell, Urbanización Can Bonastre, 08784 Piera, Barcelona, Spain
Telephone: (int+34) 93 102 20 43
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Public transport
There are municipal buses. You can check the schedules at Hispano-Igualadina.
FGC (Ferrocarriles Catalanes) line R6. You can check the schedules. Trains leave Barcelona from Plaza España and arrive at the Piera railway station.
There are buses leaving frequently from the Piera railway station to Can Bonastre restaurant, which is across from a pharmacy; both are in a housing development called Urbanización Can Bonastre. Before you get on the bus, confirm whether it will make a stop there. When you reach the pharmacy you can call us and we will pick you up. Buses run on this route only until midday on Saturdays and there are no buses on Sunday.
If you will be arriving at a time when there are no buses you can telephone us before leaving Barcelona and ask to be picked up at the station. You will be asked to make a contribution of 2 euros per ride from the station.
If you plan to catch the last train from Barcelona, it is best to call us to find out if there will be transport available.
Coming by car
Motorway AP-7 (north). Get off at the Martorell exit and take the road toward Capellades (B-224).
Motorway AP-7 (south. Take the Sant Sadurní d’Anoia exit and go in the direction of Masquefa (BV-2441).
Look for Can Bonastre restaurant. Coming from Martorell or Sant Sandurní, it is about 2 kilometers before Piera. If you come from Igualada it is about 2 km after leaving Piera. On the opposite side of the road from Can Bonastre restaurant is a pharmacy and you will see the entrance to Urbanización Can Bonastre.
Go into the housing development and take the fourth street to the left, which is called Can Creixell. Continue along this street until the blacktop ends and you come to a dirt road. Carry on down this road and within less than 500 meters take the first road to the right. There is a sign pointing to the Amma center, which is about 100 meters farther on.
GPS coordinates: latitude 41.497344 / longitude 1.772232