Medical camps travel to rural areas inundated by Kerala flooding
Remote medical teams from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Amrita Hospital) are at work to provide treatment in remote areas affected by Kerala’s floods. These places have limited access to medical care facilities and in some, the teams have had to deliver service by boat due to deep flooding.
Today all districts in Kerala remain on red alert. At least 67 deaths have happened due to rain-related incidents, with 24 taking place yesterday. As of this morning, 20 more people are feared dead in different parts of the state. About 150,000 people have been displaced from their homes.
Amma to Donate $1,400,000 to Kerala Flood Relief
With massive rains continuing to bombard Kerala, Amma has announced that Embracing the World will donate $1,400,000 USD to the Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund.
“Each day we see the rain just keeps coming,” Amma said of her home state. “Each time it starts up again, we know it is causing more and more destruction. My heart goes out to those families who are losing their homes and dear ones. We want to help them in whatever way we can.”
L'Hospital Amrita de Kerala facilita atenció esencial malgrat les inundacions a la planta baixa
Les escoles i l'hospital d’Embracing The World han estat atenent, des que van començar les fortes pluges fa nou dies, a les necessitats immediates de la zona per atendre els afectats per les inundacions.
L'Institut Amrita de Ciències Mèdiques i Investigació (Hospital Amrita) continua brindant la major atenció possible, tot i la inundació que ha patit la seva planta baixa. També han hagut de restringir l'ús d'aigua i del dièsel.
L'Hospital Amrita de Kerala facilita atenció esencial malgrat les inundacions a la planta baixa
Les escoles i l'hospital d’Embracing The World han estat atenent, des que van començar les fortes pluges fa nou dies, a les necessitats immediates de la zona per atendre els afectats per les inundacions.
L'Institut Amrita de Ciències Mèdiques i Investigació (Hospital Amrita) continua brindant la major atenció possible, tot i la inundació que ha patit la seva planta baixa. També han hagut de restringir l'ús d'aigua i del dièsel.
Amrita Hospital in Kerala provides essential care despite ground floor flooding
Embracing the World’s schools and hospital have been responding to the immediate needs in their regions for flood relief since the harsh rains began nine days ago.
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research(Amrita Hospital) is continuing to provide as much care as possible, despite the fact the ground floor has been flooded. They have also had to restrict water and diesel usage.
Equipos médicos desplazados a zonas rurales anegadas por las inundaciones de Kerala
Equipos médicos desplazados desde el Instituto Amrita de Ciencias Médicas e Investigación (Hospital Amrita) están trabajando para brindar tratamiento en áreas remotas afectadas por las inundaciones de Kerala. Estos lugares tienen actualmente limitado el acceso a las instalaciones de atención médica y, en algunos casos se ha tenido que ofrecer el servicio médico en embarcaciones debido a las extensas y persistentes inundaciones.
Actualmente todos los distritos de Kerala permanecen en alerta roja. Al menos ha perecido 67 personas a causa de incidentes relacionados con la lluvia, y otras 24 personas perecieron ayer día 15 de agosto. A partir de esta mañana, se teme que otras 20 personas hayan muerto en diferentes partes del estado. Se calcula que unas 150.000 personas se han visto desplazadas de sus hogares.
Amma donará 1.400.000 dólares para los damnificados por las inundaciones de Kerala
Durante las lluvias masivas que siguen inundando Kerala, Amma ha anunciado que Embracing the World donará 1.400.000 dólares USA al Fondo de Ayuda de Socorro de Kerala.
"Cada día vemos que la lluvia sigue sin parar", dijo Amma sobre Kerala, el estado Indio en que nació. "Cada vez que se inicia una nueva tormenta, sabemos que está causando más y más destrucción. Mi corazón está con las familias que están perdiendo sus hogares y a sus seres queridos. Queremos ayudarlos de la mejor manera que podamos".
El Hospital Amrita de Kerala facilita atención esencial a pesar de las inundaciones en su planta baja
Las escuelas y el hospital de Embracing the World han estado atendiendo, desde que comenzaron las fuertes lluvias hace nueve días, a las necesidades inmediatas de la zona para atender a los afectados por las inundaciones.
El Instituto Amrita de Ciencias Médicas e Investigación(Hospital Amrita) continúa brindando la mayor atención posible, a pesar de la inundación que ha sufrido su planta baja. También han tenido que restringir el uso de agua y del diesel.
AYUDH’s 14th European Youth Summit
Peace Generation
AYUDH’s 14th European Youth Summit
14 - 22 July 2018, M.A Center, Germany
Seminarzentrum Hof Herrenberg e.V.
“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.”
Constitution of the UNESCO
For decades, peace in Europe has been taken for granted. More recently, national and international political as well as social developments have raised substantial concerns about the stability, social cohesion and peace of the region.
Many young Europeans are perturbed by these developments. They have a desire to understand the causes, explore solutions and take civic action together. Young people everywhere are searching for peace - within and without.
The weeklong youth summit ’Generation of Peace’ will provide an opportunity to explore ‘peace’ on three levels:
- Peace Within - encouraging self-refl ection and development of critical self-enquiry, mindfulness, empathy and compassion
- Peace with Others - social participation, advocacy and engagement in society
- Peace with the Environment - ecological sustainability as a requirement for stability and peace
The summit provides a unique platform for personal development, inter cultural dialogue and creative expression through a combination of talks and workshops that foster personal, environmental and global responsibilities, and practical training in leadership, change-making, mindfulness and sustainability
The teachings of Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) form an essential part of the reflections at the summit and spiritual practices like yoga and meditation will be offered.
AYUDH would like to invite 300 youth, regardless of nationality, religion, gender or ability, aged 15 – 30,from across Europe. Youth who are marginalised - with disabilities, or economic or social obstacles - are especially encouraged to apply, support schemes are in place.
Participants strengthen their sense of active citizenship while experiencing the joy and empowerment of living and learning together with like-minded youth from diverse backgrounds.
The summit is supported by the ERASMUS+ Youth in Action Programm of the European Union.
AYUDH Europe is a network of concerned and proactive young citizens, and the youth branch of Embracing the World. We are dedicated to empowering young people to contribute to a peaceful and sustainable world while becoming compassionate leaders with a sense of tolerance, solidarity and global responsibility.
Apply here:,
Amma's Japan, North America Tour Dates
Tuesday May 29 - Thursday May 31Seattle, Washington Area
Saturday June 2 - Sunday June 3San Ramon, San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Tuesday, June 5 to Sunday, June 10Public Programs: June 5 -7
Retreat: June 8 - 10
Los Angeles
Tuesday, June 12 - Thursday, June 14Santa Fe
Saturday, June 16 - Tuesday, June 19Public Program: June 16
Retreat: June 17 - 19
Thursday, June 21 - Friday, June 22Chicago
Sunday, June 24 - Tuesday, June 26New England Boston Area
Thursday, June 28 - Friday, June 29Washington DC
Sunday, July 1 - Monday, July 2New York/ New Rochelle
Wednesday, July 4 - Friday, July 6Toronto
Sunday, July 8 - Wednesday, July 11Public Program: July 8
Retreat: July 9 - 11